with translation into German
Ven. Thubten Chodron, Translation: Bhikṣuṇī Thubten Jampa
Date: April 22, 2025 | Talk
Time: Tue. 7-8:30/9 pm
Location: Tibetan Center, Hamburg-City, Güntherstraße 39, 22087 Hamburg and online
We are very happy about another visit from the Venerable Thubten Chodron. She is the founder and abbess of Sravasti Abbey in the USA. She will give a talk in Hamburg and lead a retreat in our Meditation House Semkye Ling. The talk is based on the book “Courageous Compassion” (Vol. 6) from the multi-volume series “Library of Wisdom and Compassion”, a special multi-volume series in which His Holiness the Dalai Lama passes on the Buddha's teachings on the complete path to full awakening, which he himself has practiced throughout his life.
The topics are specially compiled for people seeking practical spiritual advice with His Holiness the Dalai Lama's unique perspective. Supported by his longtime student, American nun Venerable Thubten Chodron, His Holiness the Dalai Lama creates the context for practicing the Buddha's teachings in modern times and then reveals the path of wisdom and compassion that leads to a meaningful life and a sense of personal fulfillment. This series is an important bridge from introductory to in-depth topics for those seeking a profound explanation from a contemporary perspective.
Also available as a distance learning course with livestream
This course can (also) be attended as a distance learning course with livestream via our YouTube channel. For this purpose, links to non-public YouTube videos will be sent by email after registration. The respective videos may also contain links to texts that will be used during the event. During the live stream, a live chat is available to ask written questions. To participate in this live chat, you must be logged in to YouTube (via a Google account). The course can also be viewed after the live event via the links. Audio files are also uploaded to Youtube afterwards. The sending of audio files (mp3 format on CD) after an event can be requested for a fee.
Further information on distance learning courses
Seminar no.: 2504-CI-01
Fee: 20 € | 15 € (reduction | members)
Sponsorship fee: 25 €
Click here to register online: https://www.tibet.de/programm/aktuelles-programm/vortrag-wie-wir-mitgefuehl-und-weisheit-in-unserem-alltaeglichen-leben-verkoerpern#c1288
Ven. Thubten Chodron
Date: 04.24. - 27.2025 | 3 days
Time: Thu. (6 pm) - Sun. (approx. 1 pm)
Location: Semkye Ling, Buddhist Meditation House of the Tibetan Center e.V., Lünzener Str. 4, 29640 Schneverdingen and online
We are very happy about another visit from the Venerable Thubten Chodron. She is the founder and abbess of Sravasti Abbey in the USA. She will give a lecture in Hamburg and lead a retreat in our Meditation House Semkye Ling. The retreat is based on the book “Searching for the self” (Vol. 7) from the multi-volume series “Library of Wisdom and Compassion”. In the book, the Dalai Lama leads us to delve deeply into the topic of the emptiness of inherent existence by presenting it from a variety of approaches, focusing on identifying our wrong views and pointing us to the actual mode of existence of all people and phenomena.
Note: If you would like a simultaneous translation from English into German, please contact us at sl(at)tibet.de.
This course can (also) be attended as a distance learning course with livestream via our YouTube channel. For this purpose, links to non-public YouTube videos will be sent by email after registration. The respective videos may also contain links to texts that will be used during the event. During the live streams, a live chat is available to ask written questions. To participate in this live chat, you must be logged in to YouTube (via a Google account). The courses can also be viewed after the live event via the links. Audio files are also uploaded to Youtube afterwards. The sending of audio files (mp3 format on CD) after an event can be requested for a fee.
Further information on distance learning courses
Seminar no.: 2504-SL-03
Fee: 210 € | 157,50 € (reduction | members)
Sponsorship contribution: 250 €
Accommodation and meals:
147 € shared room,
183 € double room,
198 € single room
Register online: https://www.tibet.de/programm/aktuelles-programm/auf-der-suche-nach-dem-selbst#c1287